This tutorial will guide you through the basic steps of buying and selling Bitcoin. With a Coinbase account, it’s not that hard. Even if you’ve got no experience in trading currencies or stocks, by following these easy steps I will show you how to trade cryptocurrency on Coinbase.

If you first need to learn how to transfer USD into Bitcoin, read my tutorial: Buying Your First Bitcoin: Step-By-Step

There are many cryptocurrency trading sites, but this tutorial will focus on the one where it is easiest for beginners to get started: Coinbase.

This article assumes you already have a Coinbase account. If not, go get one set up so you can start trading cryptocurrency.

If you find this article helpful, please use my affiliate link to open your Coinbase account. At no cost to you, Coinbase will give us each $10 USD of free Bitcoin.

How to Trade Cryptocurrency — For Beginners

In the video tutorial below, I’m going to transfer my Bitcoin into Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin, the three other currencies currently on offer at Coinbase.

During this 11-minute video walkthrough of the world’s easiest cyrptocurrency trading site, I will measure the fees for each transaction, and describe the advantages and disadvantages of using each one.

In my next tutorial, I will show you how to send each of these cryptocurrencies to a cryptocurrency exchange, so you can buy other blockchain-based ‘alt-coins’ like XRP.

Spoiler alert: If you’re planning to buy and sell bitcoin for profit, the fees are going to surprise you. The blockchain has evolved far past BTC.

If you find this article helpful, please use my affiliate link to open your Coinbase account. At no cost to you, Coinbase will give us each $10 USD of free Bitcoin.